Brand Today

Connecting You to Our Brand
Brand today

Every day, people connect with the USPS brand. We deliver it to every doorstep in America.

And we don’t just deliver mail; we push the envelope. From horseback delivery to digital mail preview, we have a history of delivering innovation.

brand today

It’s a great responsibility to uphold the brand that stands behind every mail carrier—and these are some of the ways we do it.

Brand today
Brand today


Our logos embody and represent our mission to deliver innovative, quality service to every address in America.


As a fundamental part of the United States infrastructure, the colors red, white, and blue visually represent the core essence of what we stand for.

Brand today
brand today typography


From our envelopes to our ads, we use typography that’s clean, modern, and easy to read.


Our icons help people easily navigate and understand brand communication.

Brand today iconography
Brand today tone


We’re authentic, modern, and confident. Above all, we always put our customers first, and that should be reflected in our tone.


The imagery we use captures genuine authenticity—just like the people who exemplify our brand.

Brand today imagery